Tuesday, February 2, 2010


While I was making a pizza this weekend, I stupidly reached into the oven without an oven mit on, everyone knows what happened next. I burnt my hand. Why I thought I could lift a burning hot pizza out of the oven I do not know. It was the type that did not use a baking sheet, it went directly onto the rack. Because of this slight difference, I thought I can just reach in pick up the edge of the crust and I will be good. Wrong. There was a part of me that wanted to just do it to defy the normal, but in reality it was stupid. It was like asking a person to intentionally be branded. And then I thought how could have this been avoided. It came to me there are things in your life for a reason. The simple oven mit is there for a precautionary measure, just like many randomly simple things. If I had put the oven mit on I would not have a permanent reminder of how stupid I am. There is a part of me that always wants to try and get by without using every little tool, because it complicates life or it takes too long. I should always use the hand sanitizer around the campus, because it really will help prevent becoming sick. I should not pay the two dollars in quarters and park in the garage that I have already paid for. I could name a million things that I should do, but will I really do them? Reflecting on the stupidity of my burn incident, I think I will try and pay more attention to the practical. I seem to think the short way is beneficial, but it never really is. I just re-learned a life lesson every single kindergartner learns when they run the mile: don't cut the turns too short or you will have to run a whole other lap.

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